Look! These Are 7 Items You Should Include In Your Company Profile

Look! These are 7 Items You Should Include in Your Company Profile

Hi! Great to see you again! Before we go any further, let me ask a question. Do you already have a company profile? Has it brought significant changes to your business? If not, here I will tell you some possible causes of your company profile not working. First, the design is not engaging and less attractive, second, the information in it is not in order or even incomplete. Well, in this article, I will help you to explain what information is important and must be in your company profile along with tips that will help the process of making your company profile. Keep reading!

A company profile works as a comprehensive summary of a company, usually containing history, values, vision and mission that are expected to attract the attention of the audience or investors to the products or services we have. To give the audience an amazing first impression, we need to compile a good and complete company profile. So, what are the contents of a company profile? 

Here are 7 vital components you need to put in a company profile
  1. Front cover and table of content
    You have to make the front cover as engaging as possible so that it can trigger curiosity from the audience to read more. There are two things that are important for the front cover :

    a. Attention stealer design. Put an image that can be an overview of your company and also grab the audience’s attention.
    b. Company logo and tagline. Putting the logo on the front cover is a must, make sure the logo is in the right size. If you have an attention grabbing tagline, don’t hesitate to put it in your cover. It will add a great impression to your company profile. 

    After attracting the audience’s attention with an engaging front cover, you must consider the convenience of the reader, one of which is by providing a table of content. That will make it easier for readers to find the information they are looking for.
  2. History
    Besides an attractive design, you also have to make sure your company profile has an interesting story. Write a narrative history of your company, starting by telling how your company was established, its current state, milestones, and future plans. In this section, you can also include information about the founder, company field, and other information which aims to make the reader feel more intimate.
  3. Vision and mission
    Let the audience know you more by giving an idea of ​​what your company wants to achieve, who you want to support, and why you want to support them, also how the future will look if the organization achieves its mission. The vision and mission must be unique so that the audience can recognize and understand your company identity.
  4. Products or services and portfolio
    Did you know that most of the audience will focus more on reading the details of the products or services that you have. So, you need to maximize this section as a showcase to show the strengths and capabilities of your company. Include your portfolio with quality photos supported by a brief description of when the project was carried out and its specifications.
  5. Advantages
    In this section you should write down the reasons why your audience should choose your company, what sets you apart from the competition. Explain what can attract potential customers to use your product or service.
  6. Client list and testimonials
    Regarding the portfolio, you need to build credibility for your company by completing it with a client list and testimonials. By showing the clients who have worked with you will help build the trust of the audience. In addition, testimonials can also be an attraction for new customers because they have seen many satisfied testimonials about the products you sell.
  7. Back cover and contact information
    As important as the front cover, the back cover is also significant to include because that is the place where you will write your contact information. Interested audiences will need this section, so make it easy for them by writing down contact information as effectively as possible. 
    Important contact lists include:
    – Address
    – Phone number
    – Email address
    – Website URLs
    – Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)

After knowing which components are crucial to be included in the company profile, it’s time for you to create your own company profile. But, if you have difficulty you can company profile design service

You just have to prepare the content according to what I explained above, then let them take care of the design part. If you are interested, you can check out my previous article about a creative company profile design service for professional business. See you in the next article, Folks!

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